Monthly Archives: September 2024

Estate Planning and Separation

SEPARATION AND THE IMPACT ON ESTATE PLANNING It is important to review your estate planning upon separation from your spouse. Separation by itself will not have an effect on your Will or the distribution of your estate. Some of the … Continue reading

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Bequeathing a Farm in Your Will

BEQUEATHING A FARM IN YOUR WILL The transfer of farmland, by sale, gift or other form of transfer, is generally subject to HST unless it falls into one of the exemptions found in Schedule V of the Excise Tax Act. … Continue reading

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Appointment of Guardians of Children in Your Will

GUARDIANSHIP – WHAT ARE THE LIMITATIONS? Parents who have children under the age of majority will naturally want to provide for them in their Wills. In addition to arranging their inheritance, most parents will want to name a guardian for … Continue reading

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